This is gonna sting.
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New LoL gamer be like : Teemo is easy to counter
Old and still committed player: *PTSD* *TEEMO LIANDRYS»RAGEBLADE»RABADON’S»NASHOR»
Too bad his damage is kinda terrible lol still gonna play him every chance I get
the cute thing is how he roll using his 2nd 😂
Note to Riot: Ps we need pink wards.
Everyone who use this champ is feeding lmao
Fix big with sound
Now this little demon has live again to kill all the other champion and torture the player
time to uninstall WR
Waiting for katarina……..
I cant wait to play it on ps
This is gonna be more fun in ambush😭
pls bring this Teemo to normal League
I see now why many despite him on the pc game
What a balance champion
Highly overrated as the devil…
Perhaps in PC, but in WR well he isn’t as OP/good as you might think he is.
I suggest you try him before purchasing him…
To be honest, I’m disappointed. People hyped him too much. He is so squishy and easily hunted ( especially with a small map ). Plus he has such a short range which might be hard for some to get used to. Well have fun I guess…but right now, I’ll probably only play him in unranked matches.
not op/amazing…pretty meh
Now every one shall know pain
So teemo’s WR E is basically twitch Q?
when will it be released for India
It’s not available on ios
us store why