No Game will be Better than Diablo Immortal — This is Why

No Game will be Better than Diablo Immortal — This is Why
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Diablo Immortal «top lists» and guide series continue today with ECHO Gaming Diablo! As always we will be covering the the latest news and playthroughs of Diablo Immortal! ECHO Gaming Diablo offers strategy guides, tips, tricks, comedy and playthroughs with a focus on Action RPG’s, specifically Diablo Immortal. Come back for regular videos focused on Diablo Immortal.

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Background music: NCS Mix and Stream Beats

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20 Комментарии

  1. Not only best rpg …it will be best game ….bcz they make that game like tripe AAA game …not like most couple of mons and then they call that a game

  2. i really love diablo games i played diablo 1 diablo 2 too bad i cant afford a pc to play the 3rd but im soo excited for the mobile version..

  3. «But it sounds like bubble gum
    When you’re waiting
    For the miracle, for the miracle to come» (c) L. Cohen
    But I’m still in =)

  4. The name Diablo itself will carry it a long way. What will make it the best; it has to be a game first, not a clicker maintenance style game.

  5. I know its the best and gonna be the best since i deleted raziel and i was just not feeling that diablo vibe with it. There is something about diablo that sticks with you especially if you played from diablo 1 to 3.

  6. Dont need to say anything because everyone below has said it all. Diablo immortal is gonna win hands down. Loving raziel but i intend to switch when diablo is released. Bring on 2021 😥

  7. diablo immortal looks promising but why so long from first introduce untill now, so sad…. to long for mobile gaming….no info yet about launch

  8. Ok i just want to point out something that is bothering me a little bit, just a little bit. You won’t be covering diablo immortal exclusively because in order for it to count as exclusive, that means only you are able to post videos…

  9. I cant wait for diablo immortal! Great video Echo! And agreed. Raziel isnt diablo immortal but it fixed my craving for it alittle. 🙂

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