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Today we covered all of the changes patch 2.1 brought to the Wild Rift!
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0:00 Intro
0:35 QOTD
0:45 New Champions
1:50 Buffs
1:51 Corki
2:58 Jarvan IV
3:43 Jax
4:13 Nerfs
4:14 Kennen
5:03 Lee Sin
5:27 Buffs
5:28 Tristana
6:15 Twisted Fate
6:53 Yasuo
7:14 Items Changes
7:15 Youmuu’s Ghostblade
7:36 Dead Man’s Plate
7:46 Locket & Redeeming Enchant
8:07 Gameplay Changes
8:08 Hand of Baron
8:24 Rift scuttle
8:43 New Skins
9:38 Replay & Spectator Mode
10:08 Free-to-play Champion Rotation
11:06 Conclusion
11:19 Outro
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Omg buff for Jax and Twisted Fade?! That was dumb, there is way more champions to be buffed. These champions were very good, but now they ll be OP. Getting card for Twisted is just too easy and to annoying. Btw Twisted golden card has longer stunt than other ults.(Sona and I dont remmeber 🙂
note: kennen is still op.
How do you check if your account is banned in wild rift?
You look like Braum
qotd: rammus khazix 🥲😔
Kennen 😭
How tf is teemo not getting a nerf…
QOTD: pls nerf wukong
QOTD: Jhin needs a buff, he is way to weak in comparison to other ADCs, even if you are the fed champion or hitting every shot.
They should buff Nami
Vayne need buff
What I think are missing in the patch
Liandries — too stronk. maybe needs a nerf
Phantom Dancer — Under used. maybe needs a buff
Lulu — too meta in competitive and higher elo ranked games. Needs to be toned down abit.
Akali — maybe too stronk since buff will need to keep watch. First ban and pick in competitive scene, only second to lulu.
Soraka — too under used. Sona and nami are way better alternatives if you want heals in lane.
Thoughts on buffs
Twisted Fate: broken af. Watch out for him to pop off in the competitive scene replacing asol.
Tristana: good now. S tier
Yasuo: a little better now.
J4: decent. Maybe A/B+ tier.
💀💀💀💀They actually buffing twisted fate AHAHHA the only hero that I used the most, fizz in 2nd, from going to plat1 promos (Going to emerald) 💀💀 BROOO THEY BUFFED TF WHAHAHAA