BEST Champions TIER List — Patch 2.2C (RENEKTON Release) — Wild Rift (LoL Mobile)

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Today we got an Update to our Tier List for you!
This Tier list is meant for everyone up to Platinum 1 — our High Elo Tier List will be released later this week!

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0:00 Intro
0:32 Baron Lane
0:32 Darius
1:16 QOTD
1:41 Fiora
2:33 Pantheon
3:13 Baron Lane Tier list
3:32 Jungle
3:32 Jarvan IV
4:12 Rengar
4:46 Rammus
5:16 Jungle Tier list
5:22 Mid lane
5:22 Diana
6:07 Galio
6:47 Ziggs
7:33 Mid lane Tier list
7:39 ADC
7:39 Kai’Sa
8:20 Miss Fortune
9:03 Varus
9:46 ADC Tier list
9:51 Support
9:51 Braum
10:25 Leona
11:04 Seraphine
11:43 Support Tier list
11:47 Conclusion
12:12 Outro

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20 Комментарии

  1. QOTD: Master Yi’s nerf I got exited when he got nerf he’s too unbalanced but since Rengar is here I don’t think I would mind since he’s my main and also Pantheon’s new buff

  2. The baron lane is so wrong, fiora and akali in A tier instead of S or OP is a total joke, renekton is nowhere near S tier, he’s C at best B and camille at C is absolutely hilarious

  3. QOTD: turret plating buffs is the biggest change. Before if you were winning lane you could easily destroy the turret very early like 5 minutes. Now I don’t see first turret destroyed until minute 8 at the earliest. This considerably changed the game as a whole.

  4. I’m surprise Zed is this low. I thought he would be at least A in lower elos. I’m currently at emerald and I’m having pretty decent success with him.

    QOTD: The Ezreal and Blitz nerfs were the most memorable for me. It was hell facing a W start Ezreal in the mid-lane and decimating half of my health bar at level 1.

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